Description and Features
Form Factor QFN5x5-40
Dimension 5 mm x 5 mm
MCU Arm Cortex M33/FPU/DSP+CM0+
Frequency band SubG
protocol support Matter 1.0 BLE 5.3
Tx power -109dBm @ 50Kbps,-118dBm @ 6.25Kbps
Modulation supporting GFSK,OQPSK
Data Rate is 125K/500K/1M/2Mbps (BLE)
Rx current is 5.5mA
Tx current - 15mA
Sleep Current* is 2.2µA
Deep Sleep Current* is 1.5µA
Operating Voltage is 1.8 V ~ 3.6 V
Smart Grid,
Smart Home,
Smart City
specialized IoT networks.
offers very low power consumption with excellent sensitivity, selectivity, RF blocking-resilience and energy efficiency